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在这个剪辑中 广告顾问:提供转化的流媒体广告 这次会议拉开了最新的帷幕 流媒体连接, TVREV联合创始人兼首席分析师Alan Wolk and an all-star panel explore the evolving landscape of contextual advertising, 特别是在新闻和视频内容的背景下. 


Wolk highlights the shift from traditional concerns about ad placement next to sensitive news content to a more nuanced understanding that not all news is negative. 

“人们经常这么说, advertisers were afraid to buy on news shows" because of the risk of running ads that might seem tone-deaf or disrespectful in the context of tragic news reports. "There's that classic [scenario] where they're bombing Kyiv and there are air raid sirens going off, and then there's this funny Applebee's commercial running next to it. But they found, with contextual, that most news programming is not doom and gloom. There's a lot of 'twelve things to bring on your next beach vacation' or 'woman celebrates, 在养老院过105岁生日之类的."


沃尔克建议使用Vevo以音乐为中心的节目, advertisers might object to having their ads run against particular music genres, 并提出了一个问题 Vevo全球营销和研究高级副总裁Julie Triolo, “Is contextual a way to say, ‘Hey, this is nothing to be afraid of?’”

“100 percent,特里奥罗说。, elaborating on Vevo’s proprietary capabilities in contextual targeting, and emphasizing the use of metadata to align ad sentiment with video content, 确保无缝观看体验.

"We've spent a lot of time on proprietary capabilities in the contextual space, and like you, Alan, I've always known it to be sort of the antithesis of what we were wrestling with with 饼干弃用 and GDPR and CCPA 所有这些东西. And so we're taking a left turn and looking at really building out matching the advertising to the context and ensuring that audiences that are watching these particular videos are matching with what is expected from an advertising standpoint. 我们使用了很多元数据来表达情绪. So we will categorize videos in the sense that they're 'Joyful' or 'Heartfelt,就像母亲节或情人节一样. 我们会做“授权”.' We'll have all of these different categories where each video is tagged with metadata so that it matches what the advertiser sentiment is looking for in that particular context." 

Describing other efforts at Vevo to enhance the contextualization of ad creative with appropriate content, Triolo says, “我们也有 Vevo Rewind. 我们做了一个完整的分类广告创意匹配的网站, sound, and motion of their creative so that it's a seamless viewing experience so that it matches the videos plus the ads. 所以上下文部分也是一个非常热门的按钮. And I feel like with your news example, I did come from Warner Bros. Discovery, and so the brand suitability piece was really big in ensuring that we had those sentiment tools to bring advertisers into the place that they wanted to be in. 新闻背景也很重要." 


Erin Firneno, SVP Business Intelligence at Advertiser Perceptions, notes that “advertisers are very enthusiastic about contextual targeting” as it offers brand safety and relevance, 使人联想到线性电视. 

"You hear about the dating app that shows up in a serial killer documentary--not great,菲内诺说. “广告商非常关注品牌安全, and they feel that contextual targeting can help address those concerns." 


Estrella MediaCo商业运营副总裁Christina Chung raises concerns about the current focus and investment in contextual targeting by tech partners. “作为发行商, 我们使用很多不同的AD服务器, and there's not many of them that are very focused on contextual targeting,” Chung says. “作为一个想要做更多情境定位的发行商. 我知道这就是未来. 但我对投资回报率也很好奇. 人们会见客户了吗, 广告商, agencies actually investing dollars in contextual targeting today? Because I find that a lot of our tech teams and our tech partners are not really as focused on contextual targeting at the moment."

Triolo affirms that at Vevo she’s witnessed a growing interest and potential high CPMs in this area. “我认为这是一个巨大的繁荣, and in fact, there's an article that was just released from 流媒体 about FAST通道上下文定位 以及由此获得的cpm.特里奥罗说. "So I think there's a lot of spotlight on it and it's very much a hot topic."



"Contextual advertising is a really hot topic in TV advertising right now,TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克在2024年流媒体连接上宣布. 但它到底是什么, and how is its growing presence in CTV and streaming changing the TV experience and particularly the way advertisers buy media? Wolk, Estrella MediaCo's Christina Chung, and Mad Leo Consulting's C.J. Leonard explore these issues in this clip from their panel at 流媒体连接.


Trent Wheeler, 首席产品官, Gracenote, 讨论CTV的情境广告定位, and he outlines the opportunities for brands to improve resonance, favorability, recall, and loyalty by focusing on the content that viewers watch instead of the viewers themselves.


The challenge with FAST advertising is how to serve appropriate ads when limited first-party data about the consumer is available. Contextual advertising can provide targeting for this untracked FAST audience adding scene-by-scene detail of exactly what a viewer is watching, and a new partnership between Anoki and Amagi aims to take content-to-advertising matching to a new level.


TV is being digitized at an interesting time on the digital advertising timeline. Just as advertisers are able to target audiences on the big screen, 他们最喜欢的方法——第三方cookie——正在消失. 这很不方便, 还有大卫·纳菲斯, CTV在Kargo的总经理, argues that it's also a catalyst to force advertisers to test and perfect other targeting methodologies on CTV. 其中最有希望的是上下文定位.