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Motion picture instructional materials have been in use in K–12 schools for as long as the technology has been available. Carts with filmstrip projectors would have been wheeled into my parents’ classrooms. Many people of my generation, me included, watched the tragic explosion 的 space shuttle 挑战者号 实时显示在轮式电视上.

Students today watch educational video in class on smartboards, Chromebooks, and tablets. 在过去的10年里发生了革命性的变化 生产技术 教师甚至学生都可以使用. 四年前, 当然, almost everyone was forced to rely on educational video to keep schools as functional as possible. 今天, we can identify several use cases of teacher-produced educational video that are particularly effective.

人生最大的失败 covid - 19紧急远程教学 was the expectation that teachers and students of all ages would be able to approximate the classroom experience using videoconferencing tools. This was realistic only for advanced discussion seminars or extremely self motivated students. It was perhaps the best 的 bad options available given the amount of time everyone had to plan lessons over a week or a few days in late March 2020, 但这是一个不现实和不公平的期望. 在线学习很少是一种小组活动, and it’s most effective in a self-paced and individualized setting, which makes sense for something students do at home by themselves. The better approach is to think of online teaching as more akin to providing topical office hours that students schedule when they’re ready to benefit from them rather than fixed blocks of contiguous activities to endure while constrained by a physical or virtual classroom.

The most impressive example of highly effective online instructional video I’ve seen is a series prepared by my daughter’s sixth grade math teacher starting in 2019. Her video series walks students through each 的ir homework packets in a one-on-one production style, delivered directly to a camera placed at a front-row seat in her classroom and cutting to still inserts of camera-phone close-up shots 的 worksheet pages to focus student attention on specific details when illustrative. Each video lasts roughly 4–6 minutes and covers everything needed to understand generally how to solve each question in the homework packet and what the expected answer looks like, without the repetition necessary for a live classroom where student attention ebbs and flows and replay is not an option.

这种生产方法是一种模型最佳实践. These videos are helpful for students who may have zoned out during class time or missed it entirely due to illness. But they’re necessary for parents from the filmstrip era who learned math very differently from contemporary approaches. Without the insights into what certain figures students are expected to draw to assist them with a calculation, parents would have difficulty helping their children with their homework—and parental involvement is a strong predictor of academic achievement.

同步教育类似于一对一的教育, 个别导师的形式也是有效的, especially for neurodivergent students who often struggle in physical classrooms. 一个很好的例子是 融合全球学院, the online campus 的 Fusion Academy chain of private schools. 融合全球学院 is built around a “traditional” asynchronous online curriculum with frequent, 参与度很高, one-on-one sessions to assist students with progression to the best 的ir abilities.

Something discussed for many years in this column is the coming extinction 的 “snow day”—not due to climate change, 但是因为
网络教育主流化. That trend and the blowback against the non-stop asynchronous day have led many school districts
采用与融合全球学院一模一样的方法, where students have a combination of practice and challenge work in their various subject areas coupled with periodic, optional access to their teachers throughout the day for live guidance.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: LPG edu Founder and Netflix Global Ed Alum Lori Greene Talks Career Pivots and Finding Your Purpose

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews LPG edu founder Lori Greene at 纽约流媒体 2024. 格林曾在Netflix负责全球教育业务. She discusses the challenges of teaching online and the importance of engaging students. 她还分享了她对职业发展的见解, 强调理解自己目的的重要性的, 个人品牌, 网络, 成为一种积极的力量.


By the time stu­dents finish their sophomore year of high school, they should know how much they have yet to learn about financial literacy and maybe even have a good idea of what they want to do in life. This is where streaming media comes in: Online video and books can provide for rich, specialized independent study to any community with motivated students.


Both student privacy and accessibility need to be considered by any school, 大学, 或者是使用视频教学的大学.


因为新冠疫情导致大学和学区关闭, 流媒体视频可以拯救教师和学生. 这里有一些如何正确使用它的建议.


New offerings from both young and established companies let educators create elaborate personalized videos, 学生们用一种更自然的方式学习.
